Friday, January 4, 2008

Just shy of getting my one month button.

Apparently I decided subconsciously to drop off the face of the planet of a month or so, well the blog side anyway. Not that I'm daring to compete with others who have achieved months of unrelenting blog neglect (*cough* Condo Princess *cough*) but I blame the holidays and a general sense of malaise and apathy for my absence. Can you forgive me?

Anyway, to get back on the blog horse, here's a couple of photos that have me feeling inspired despite the tragic cold and horrendous amounts of snow.

Desire to Inspire.

Desire to Inspire.

Door Sixteen.

Nate Berkus.

Oh, and for those in need of a dose of winter blues cure in the form of all things adorable and doggy, check out the decor-complementing puppies that Dooce, Fussy and Pioneer Woman got recently, and the ever satisfying Daily Coyote. Mmmm, puppy breath.