Friday, November 23, 2007

Souvenirs of Canada.

In my classic aimless stumbling fashion, I came across this call for submissions to the 2008 Souvenir Shop. Started as part of Come up to My Room 2007, an annual alternative design exhibition housed in the historic Toronto Gladstone Hotel, the shop features limited runs of uniquely Canadian "souvenir" items. For those of us too far from (or too repelled by) Toronto, this year the shop will apparently be online as well.

Judging by the pdf images of last years submissions including a Bonhomme ashtray, a Trudeau doll with multiple outfits, pillows of classic Canadian architecture including a typical suburban igloo, timbit buttons, and, one of my personal favs, a necklace made from a piece of the decaying Gardiner Expressway, there's going to be a ton of stuff I want to buy.

Just think, this year with half of the Quebec bridges falling down I should be able to get a matched necklace, bracelet, ring and earrings set.