Last night I used some left-over roasted chickens to make a very tasty version of Martha's Chicken Soup. And by "version" I mean mine contained chicken, carrots and parsnips just like hers. I'm a simple girl and I felt the "bouquet garni" was unnecessary. I also added rice. I made a tonne of it so I can freeze it and bring it to work for lunch. This makes me extremely happy (see previous comment re: being a simple girl)
I also whipped up some of Martha's Ginger Pumpkin Bread (I know that's a whole lotta Martha but I like visuals and very straight-forward, success-guaranteed recipes (see previous comment re: being a simple girl). I almost followed all the directions on this one with the exception of only being able to bake one loaf at a time because I only own one loaf pan and refuse to buy another on principle (the principle being that I'm cheap and hate extraneous kitchen stuff). It worked out ok anyway and was super tasty.